Monday, 29 October 2012

Building an E-Mail List By Sylvia S Garcia Why is building an e-mail list important??? An e-mail list is a list of email addresses used for marketing purposes. You send emails to perspective customers to drive them back to your website, where you can then market your services/goods to them. This method is used to build your ROI (Return on Investment) and asset value (one of the main criteria for setting an asset value to a site is the amount of email subscribers it has). The following is a list of items you will need to build, send and profit from your e-mail lists: BUILD 1. You will need a Lead Generation Page (also called a Squeeze Page). This helps to capture contact information from any visitors to your site such as Name and E-Mail address. 2. You will need to offer a premium (something you're willing to offer your customer free-of-charge such as a newsletter, gift-card, valuable information or some other type of gift). 3. You need traffic. Let's face it, it doesn't matter how great your blog articles are or how many affiliate ads you have on your site, without traffic you simply cannot make any money. SEND 1. You will need an Auto-Responder Account. This is an account with a company such as Aweber that offers services such as form customization, options for e-mail personalization, e-mail scheduling options, options for building multiple lists, and spam checks. 2. You will need great Subject Lines on sent e-mails. A great subject line can mean the difference between someone opening your e-mail or simply deleting it or worse, reporting it as spam. 3. And finally, you will need great e-mail content. You need to offer valuable information if you want to establish trust and keep your customers. You also want to ensure that the information you send them is relevant to what they signed up for. PROFIT 1. You will need an affiliate account. Companies like ClickBank, Amazon, Aweber, etc. will pay you a commission anytime someone purchases an item from them via a link on your website. You create an account with the company then post their ads on your site. When someone purchases one of their products through the link on your site you receive a commission... simple as that. I realize that when someone is starting out this can all seem pretty overwhelming, but if you follow the process I've outlined for you one step at a time, you will be successful. If you have any questions or would like more info please visit: For free valuable Internet Marketing strategies visit Article source: S Garcia

Monday, 22 October 2012

3 Reasons Why You Need To Start A Blog By Dewane Mutunga The first step in converting more sales online is traffic generation. There have been several studies conducted that shows that businesses that blog tend to get more traffic than those that don't. Now if you happened to be in the minority and do not blog for some strange reason, I'd like to bring three key benefits of blogging to your attention. Many people still get a blog and a website confused, but they're actually very different. A website is more utilitarian, it serves as tool to show the function and basic information of produces and serves, as well as process transactions. A blog is a tool that allows you to build a relationship with your prospects and customers. It's a hub where you can show your brand personality and what it's all about. A blog is a community hub. As I stated in the last paragraph, blogging attracts more visitors to your website. The more you blog, the more fresh content you're creating and Google like fresh content. So naturally, the more content you produce the more traffic search engines will send your way. You'll also benefit from getting more pages indexed, which will increase your chances of getting organic search traffic. Blogging also builds credibility and positions you as an expert in your industry or niche. People are usually online searching for a solution to their problem, and/or tips and tricks that will help them save time, money, or effort. By blogging, you have the ability to create insanely useful content that answers all your customers questions. This builds trust overtime and trust is the foundation of a successful business. Your blog is your central hub online. It's the home of your brand, and the place you eventually want to drive all your traffic. While most might not see it as such, your blog acts as a very effective lead generation tool. Blogging is a great way to attract leads that can in turn convert into customers or email subscribers. Lead generation is an absolute necessity for every business. A blog is that type of lead gen tool that's always working for you, 24/7. Once you produce the content, it gets indexed and people search and come to your blog. Once there, they consume your content and get a feel for who you are and what you're all about. If they come to like your brand they'll subscribe to your email list or other retention channel, which will allow you to communicate with them more in the future. Article source: http;// Mutunga

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Don't Let Your Content Let You Down.

Don't Let Your Content Disappoint Your Website Don't Let Your Content Disappoint Your Website by Chris Hunter

With more and more businesses creating company websites, actively displaying an internet presence for the marketing of their products or services to be competitively sold in such an accessible global market medium, the importance of getting a clear message across to potential purchasers has never been more crucial. Being able to speak to web viewers in a way that can be clearly understood and provides them with all necessary information to make educated buying decisions is critical in order to conclude a sale.

There is always another website out there put up by the competition that will be more than happy to sell to a viewer who has clicked away from a poor quality internet location. The only way to prevent such a catastrophe from happening, keep viewers from leaving any web page, and increase the possibility of converting that visit to a sale is to be sure that all displayed content fulfills what viewers want and need.

Defining Bad Content

One of the easiest ways to turn a potential customer away is with bad content, which can take a number of forms. Poor grammar, incorrect spelling, and poor quality content are the biggest offenders, especially since it has become popular to create websites simply to use keywords to generate income. Pages are filled with keyword-stuffed, meaningless copy that accomplished nothing in the hopes of enticing viewers to click on a link. Needless to say, this is a real nuisance, and Google continues to weed them out. Copy presented that is visually difficult to interpret is also wrong as is content that is just plain inaccurate. Searchers looking for valuable information that find a website offering poor advice or erroneous facts will stop coming.

Defining Good Content

Thankfully, websites with good content are just as obvious as those who do not; they feature well-researched information that is correct and reliable, well written with accurate spelling and correct grammar that reads smoothly. Keywords usage has been blended in to read naturally, as if someone were speaking. If a company does not have someone on staff who handle this, a freelance writer can be hired to cover any writing necessities. This provides credibility and knowledge to the business, which is important to maintain any kind of internet presence in the hopes of gaining customers and sales.

Using Good Content the Right Way

The best way to determine if a website's content needs attention is to get some honest opinions about the posted copy. If there is any type of negative response, rewriting by professional writers or at least thorough editing of any existing material might be worthwhile in order to present a relevant, factual and grammatically correct representation of the company. Content should not be overly keyword saturated as to sound false, like an advertisement reworked into paragraph form. There must be substantial content worth reading, not just a few sentences that say nothing other than plug a few keywords. Lastly, be sure that the design is one in which body copy can be easily read by paying attention to font, color palette, white space, kerning and line spacing. Reading should be informative and effortless in order for content to work.

Making sure a business website is worth reading and able to draw attention to a company in a positive fashion, is what every business internet presence should strive to achieve. That business internet snapshot should be an authority on its subject by providing the best, most complete information possible in a correct and concise manner. Viewers will appreciate and remember that when the time comes to make a purchase. It is so important to not let the content being displayed disappoint the website!

Chris Hunter is an expert in Web Design and Search Engine Marketing. To find out more about SEO in Houston, go to the main website at:

Article Source: U Publish Articles